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HomeFeaturesJamie Shahin: Clean up your Online Reputation

Jamie Shahin: Clean up your Online Reputation

Living in the modern world, online reputation can make or break someone’s career. CEO and Owner of City Business Solutions, a leading sales agency in Chicago, Jamie Shahin shares her advice on ensuring a positive personal brand is maintained.

Managing a growing business, CEO, Jamie Shahin knows all too well how important a personal brand image can be.  ‘In the last 12 months, we have grown in size by 38% which has led to an increase in the volume of research being carried out on me personally’ states, Shahin.

Both clients and potential recruits want to know; who is Jamie Shahin?

Do I look professional? What is my background? Am I trustworthy? Do I seem fun to work for?

An individual’s online presence is a quick way for outsiders to form an opinion of you so it’s important to ensure your personal brand online is relevant, positive and professional. Inappropriate photos posted on social networks or unprofessional status updates, can have a reflection on the way you are perceived.

Shahin highlights, ‘everything on the web associated with your name can affect your personal brand: job offers, business opportunities, even your online dating success. So firstly, being aware of your own personal brand and then taking steps to improve it must be high on the agenda for any professional.’

Jamie Shahin suggests following these top tips to clean up and maintain a positive online presence:

See what others see. Google your name, focus on the first two pages and don’t forget to check google images too. Click on each search result on the first two pages. Make sure all information displayed is true.

Anything unpleasant? Take control! In the US we rely on Data Protection laws to keep our personal information safe but in the EU you may be able to utilize the ‘Right to be Forgotten’ to remove content from the search results.   Search Engines such as Bing & Google like new content so increase your activity on social networking sites or start a blog to outrank any unsavoury results. NOTE: Choose who to follow on social media carefully as it is a representation of your personal interests.

Polish that LinkedIn profile. Get a professional headshot, and make the profile human by providing a personal statement. Make choices to link the profile to “super connectors” who have a lot of social influence and don’t forget to request recommendations from clients or previous employers.

Get Google to work for you!Set up a free Google alert that signals any new content published about you. Monitor the alerts carefully.

Make that Facebook Profile picture a good one.Facebook is a fun social media tool, share the memories of more personal photos in private albums where there is a select / carefully managed audience. Profile pictures are visible to everyone, make sure it’s suitable for all eyes.

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